If you read my last post, you're aware that this year has not gotten off to a great start. On January 5, my childhood home burned to the ground. My dad and stepmom are safe, but lost everything. I spent the week after the fire setting up a FB page to keep friends, family, and followers updates, looking through and scanning photos for my dad, stepmom, and younger sisters, setting up registries, helping to organize a benefit, making countless phone calls to my dad and siblings, and in general, running myself ragged. I'm very grateful to Niels for holding down the fort making up for my slack, and for our son for being (mostly) patient for the questionable meals and lack of mommy time. I'm now able to step back a bit and others take over. Whew!
At the same time, I've been dealing with some health issues since last summer, really, but they have become more problematic since around Thankgiving. When I haven't been dealing with the fire, I have been running around seeing my many doctors and getting tests done.What I thought was symptoms related to my brain injury, may turn out to be a different neuro issue altogether. I'm still a few tests away from a diagnosis, but my family doctor had a very honest conversation with me about what he has ruled out and what he suspects is causing the problems.
So, between these two little things, I haven't been able to spend much time blogging, or even creating projects to write about on the blog.
Today, I hung out with a few fun ladies (Kelli from Kelli's Kitchen, Shayna from The Wood Grain Cottage, Ashley from Design Build Love, and Christina from No. 29 Design) during my first HomeTalk hangout. Today's topic was Insanely Clever Organizing Hacks, and I was inspired. Our chat had a few technical difficulties, like losing a few participant, including the host!, and me accidentally turning on our garbage disposal, but we still managed to have fun. I hope you check out the recorded video!
In case you're wondering, I talked about my love for tension rods. In case you missed the original post, you can read all about it here.
So, I apologize if it's quiet around here as I continue to sort things out. I hope to be back to posting regularly again soon!
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Sending big hugs to you Jen - I came across your blog when we were building our home (I blogged about our build too at that time) and visit you most days to see what you are up to... I was so sad to hear about your childhood home but so very thankful that your parents got out ok... You are one very strong lady and will take in your stride whatever comes your way - stay strong and positive - you are in my thoughts...